Saturday, July 25, 2009


I have been without a car going on 5 months. It has been a life-changing experience for the better. I consume less, I exercise more and I have been making deeper connections with people in my neighborhood. I have become chummy with Danny and Sandy at the fruit stand. Today I found out Sandy is a Virgo and Danny is a Libra. In case you are wondering, I am a Gemini sun sign and a Taurus moon sign. I know, fascinating!

I have been through the ups and downs with Amy and Hector who own the movie/comic book store (Digital Extreme) as they had to up-root and move across the street. They have been broken into four times and the landlord refuses to put lights in the parking lot. So, they had enough and moved out. The movie business is hard, but their comic business is picking up.

I had my first chat with the Dominos pizza Manager when I picked up my cinna-stix. He told me about his move from Oakland to Bakersfield and the difference in crimes at his store. He attended one year at Berkely and then moved back home to take care of his Mother. Once he had an 8 year old girl try to run off without paying for her pizza order. He shouted after her, "I have your number and address!" She immediately turned around and payed for her order.

I stopped to ask Teresa a question when she was out watering her lawn on Verde St. I was looking at a house on the corner of her street that had been empty for a while. I said, "Can you tell me about the house on the corner? Is it haunted?" Without missing a step, she said "No, it isn't haunted. I've been in there." She told me she was a former occult member that is now a Christian. I guess you can tell if a house is haunted by bad spirits if you look in the corners of each room. If you see darkness in the corners, it isn't a good sign. She is also a massage therapist out of her home. I left a message for her last night to schedule an appointment.

Here is an article that just came out today about me organizing a Bike-to-work challenge with my co-workers. Click here.

I'm going to try and go for a year without a car. Shoot, if I can do a year...why not permanently? Hmmm. What do you think?

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