Saturday, January 21, 2006

Save me!

Recently, I gave up my title as Gallery Director at The Empty Space so that I would have more time to devote to my own artwork. I have complete shows detailed in my mind of all my future projects and let me tell you they are grand!

However, my new position at my paying gig in corporate America has decided to take up residence in my just cleared out, “reserved only for art” mental space. I was recently certified in the Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving and Decision Making systematic process. I can teach a three-day class on PSDM or I can facilitate meetings to assist business units in making decisions or solving problems. I know, my “Art Speak” title tricked you didn’t it.

As I sit here and type, I have a pile of magazines surrounding me: Harvard Business Review’s Special Issue on Decision Making, Harvard Business Review’s issue on Focused Thinking, Harvard Business Review’s issue on The Human Factor, Fast Company’s issue focusing on Netflix and Fast Company’s Issue focusing on Google. Along with this pile of magazines I have my business unit’s 2006 Business Plan, Strategies and Metrics along with my Diversity and Inclusion Council’s Business Plan and Structure outline.

But guess what I did? Oh yeah, I rebelled and rebelled big. I purchased the newest issue of Art Review with a fascinating article on The Business of Art and Corporate Collections. Guess what I have been reading all afternoon. Yep, articles on art, art and more art! Oh, I’m a sneaky rebel, procrastinating, not so secretly typing about my rebellious procrastination on my work laptop that is to be used mainly for business purposes only, real-time Artist. Uh huh!

So, what I was thinking was I could maybe write a business plan on improving my company’s art collection so it can create a congenial atmosphere reflecting a shift in cultural and professional values within our corporate world, increasing staff pride, creating a clearer corporate image with increased and differentiated brand awareness…OH MAN, I think this calls for a Decision Analysis!

1 comment:

Nick Belardes said...

you're scaring me.