Saturday, January 28, 2006

Random Thoughts, Dreams and Musings While Hunkered in Bed with a Chest Cold

Although I am not a fan of musicals, wouldn’t it be fun to go into work on Monday to my Corporate American job and have everyone working in musical style…breaking out into song during our 2006 Business Planning Meeting.

My feet can do impressions and I think they are rather clever.

I had a dream last night about having my body parts exchanged with others. I had from my belly button down exchanged with my friend Lisa’s lower half and my eyes were exchanged with someone I don’t know. I remember looking into the mirror and hating my new eyes. I looked down when my pants were off and realized I had man legs that needed to be shaved. I looked at the person who got my lower half and I felt sorry for them. My friend Lisa does not have man legs. I had 2 TBSP of Nyquil before bed.

My cat snores.

The one thing that makes me smile everyday before work is about 25 ft. from the office door. There is a family of cats that likes to use either side of the beginning of the walkway as a kitty litter box. Every morning when I see the meticulously scooped piles of poo I say, “KITTY POOPIEEEES!!!!” That makes me laugh.

It takes approximately 20 minutes for my neighborhood dogs to stop barking once a police, fire truck or ambulance passes by. I estimate there are about 8 dogs relatively close to my bedroom window.

I have already made three to-do lists today. I like drawing a little box next to each item so when I'm finished I can check it off. I always check beyond the lines of the box.

I like to watch myself write. I especially enjoy writing a’s.


mel... said...

Uh, are you sure it was just 2 TBSP of Nyquil? Or maybe it was some extra special Nyquil...

Nick Belardes said...

She took a hefty dose of sumpin'