Sunday, April 08, 2007

Our love child.

I was swept up with a dizzying love affair. I connected with so many artists I can't remember all of their names save a few. I have no regrets only beautiful memories.

I remember the night I hit send and my life would forever change. A heated exchange with a sensual, sonic artist led to the beginning of an artistic collaborative art piece now waiting for the day it sees light.

Artistic collaboration is new to me and I'm thrilled about the possibilities of this newest connection with Alex. Alex, an audio visual artist from Hampshire, England lectures Sonic Arts at Farnborough College of Technology and works as a music therapist in Broadmoor Hospital, where he is conducting research into the rehabilitative potential of sound with violent crime offenders. As Alalpine and Pausal he experiments with sound, image and space.

Alex asked me if he could use some of my images to create a sonic film of sorts. Flattered, I enthusiastically sent him off some digital photos of my art work. In his hands, he will create amazing work. So, what will our love child look like, feel like and sound like?

So, I sent him images like this:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Take those images and mix them with his genius like this work titled:
sarah paul

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or this work titled:
sue jim

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My clock is ticking and this is exactly what my maternal artist within needed. This is truly a happy accident.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very nifty stuff!! :)